Reference:: EMC® VNXe® Unisphere® Command Line Interface User Guide:

Collect -Config: Create a snapshot of the current system configuration and save it to a file. It captures all of the data necessary to recreate the current configuration on a new or reinitialized system. It does not capture log files or other types of diagnostic data.

Collect -serviceInfo: Collect information about the system and save it to a .tar file. Service providers can use the collected information to analyze the system.

Using native UEMCLI commands integrated with Powershell this script automates the process of backing up the current VNXe configuration along with the latest system log files. You will just need to Complete a few simple user entries:
◊ Backup Directory
◊ Mgmt IP Address
◊ Service Password

The script will automatically create a sub-directory in the backup location provided. For example if you input a backup directory of C:\VNXe this will result in a backup location of C:\VNXe\timeDate

Example Script Execution

The backup directory location will automatically open on completion of the script:

Download: VNXe_Backup.ps1 and remove the .doc extension! Or in full text format below:

# Reference: VNXe UEMCLI Docs
# Date: 2015-02-10 17:30:00										 			 
# Version Update:                                         
# 1.0 David Ring            	

######## Banner ########
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "#########################################################"
Write-Host "#######       VNXe Config and LOGS Backup        ########"
Write-Host "#########################################################"
Write-Host " "

##### Backup Location #####
$BackupLocation = Read-Host "Backup Location:(A sub-dir with the current Time & Date will be created):"
$BackupLocation = (join-path -Path $BackupLocation -ChildPath "$(date -f HHmmddMMyyyy)")	
IF(!(Test-Path "$BackupLocation")){new-item "$BackupLocation" -ItemType directory | Out-Null}
$BackupLocation =  "`"$BackupLocation`""

Write-Host "Backup Location Entered:" $BackupLocation

Start-Sleep -s 3

### VNXe GEN1 Backup ###
$VNXe = Read-Host 'VNXe 3150/3300 Present? y/n:'
if ($VNXe -eq "y") {
$VNXeIP = Read-Host 'VNXe IP Address:'
$VNXePW = Read-Host 'VNXe Service Password:'
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "########################################"
Write-Host "#######  VNXe 3150/3300 Backup  ########"
Write-Host "########################################"
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "VNXe IP Address:" $VNXeIP
Write-Host "VNXe Service Password:" $VNXePW
Write-Host " "
Start-Sleep -s 3
$VNXeConfig = (uemcli.exe -d $VNXeIP -u service -p $VNXePW -download -d $BackupLocation config)
Write-Host "### VNXe Config Backup Complete. ###"
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "### Now Generating VNXe Log Files! ###"
$VNXeConfig = (uemcli.exe -d $VNXeIP -u service -p $VNXePW /service/system collect -serviceInfo)
$VNXeConfig = (uemcli.exe -d $VNXeIP -u service -p $VNXePW -download -d $BackupLocation serviceInfo)
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "##################################################"
Write-Host "#######    VNXe GEN1 Backup Complete      ########"
Write-Host "##################################################"
Write-Host " "

### VNXe GEN2 Backup ###
$VNXe = Read-Host 'VNXe 3200 Present? y/n:'
if ($VNXe -eq "y") {
$VNXeIP = Read-Host 'VNXe IP Address:'
$VNXePW = Read-Host 'VNXe Service Password:'
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "####################################"
Write-Host "########  VNXe 3200 Backup  ########"
Write-Host "####################################"
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "VNXe IP Address:" $VNXeIP
Write-Host "VNXe Service Password:" $VNXePW
Write-Host " "
Start-Sleep -s 3
$VNXeConfig = (uemcli.exe -d $VNXeIP -u service -p $VNXePW /service/system collect -config -showPrivateData)
$VNXeConfig = (uemcli.exe -d $VNXeIP -u service -p $VNXePW -download -d $BackupLocation config)
Write-Host "### VNXe Config Backup Complete. ###"
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "### Now Generating VNXe Log Files! ###"
$VNXeLOGS = (uemcli.exe -d $VNXeIP -u service -p $VNXePW /service/system collect -serviceInfo)
$VNXeLOGS = (uemcli.exe -d $VNXeIP -u service -p $VNXePW -download -d $BackupLocation serviceInfo)
Write-Host " "
Write-Host "##################################################"
Write-Host "#######     VNXe GEN2 Backup Complete     ########"
Write-Host "##################################################"
Write-Host " "

Start-Sleep -s 3

$BackupLocation = $BackupLocation -replace '"', ""
invoke-item $BackupLocation

Read-Host "Confirm Presence of 'Config File' and 'LOG Files's' in the Backup Directory!"

######################## END ########################

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